MADAM, This month, passing almost unnoticed, saw Liberty Week, a week when countryside issues were being brought before the Government, who otherwise would seem intent on homogenising the electorate into urban clones.

Herefordshire, a principally rural county with rural ideals and culture cannot afford to be complacent.

We take for granted our beautiful county, its flora and fauna. We do not think of the stewardship and conservation work that its maintenance entails, work undertaken by the farming and country sport fraternity.

Work, which has been undertaken for generations and given us the wooded hillsides, copses and hedgerows we enjoy.

But this Government is set on grinding down agriculture and attacking country sports, hunting now but undoubtedly shooting and fishing later.

A Government castigated by the press for accepting 'funds' of a few hundred thousand from businessmen for what in return?

The same Government which received a generous £1 million from a very vociferous anti-field sport, animal rights organisation. Are we now witnessing the payback?

There are those opposed to field sports who are sincere and would be prepared to listen, the case in defence is strong and can be made sensibly, rationally and convincingly if anybody is prepared to listen, especially those in Westminster and Millbank.

Liberty is about being allowed to continue a legitimate and traditional activity without hindrance or malice.

As a footnote I trust the perpetrators of a very violent attack on the Three Counties Mink Hounds, resulting in the hospitalisation of one young hunt member, are vigorously condemned and not condoned by the more genuine anti-field sport lobby.



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