A DISPUTE between members of the Foley family of Stoke Edith is heading for the High Court in London.

Rupert Foley, aged 32, has issued a writ claiming that since his father Andrew's divorce from his mother Gillian and remarriage, trustees for the estate have put his father's interests above his own. He is suing the three trustees - stepmother Melanie and solicitors Richard Underwood and David Taylor - and asking the court to appoint replacements chosen by himself.

Rupert Foley, of Westgate Terrace, London, says the trustees' actions have lost him income in sporting rights of around £11,200 a year since 1997, failed to forfeit the sporting lease, worth £73,000, permitted the trust to receive no sporting rents until 2012, a loss of £211,500, and lost other income of £20,000 a year.

He says the trustees also failed to keep a cottage in repair, losing around £9,000 a year in rent.