END OF TERM -- The end of the Spring term at Lea C of E Primary school saw the usual flurry of activities associated with the Easter season. The annual bingo evening, arranged by the Parents Association, filled two classrooms to overflowing and resulted in a profit for PALS funds of £128. The children enjoyed another traditional event on the last but one afternoon of the term when they first took part in the egg rolling competition down the banks beside the village hall. Every child is encouraged to bring a hard boiled egg and each year group then rolls their eggs, the winner being the one with the egg which not only rolls the furthest but also remains intact. Throwing leads to instant disqualification! The school then moved into the village hall for the results of the judging of their best- dressed egg competition. An enormous amount of hard work and ingenuity goes into this competition and judging is an unenviable task. The winner from each class receives an Easter Egg but no one goes away empty handed, as each child has a small egg to take home, provided by the Parents Association. The term ended with the Easter Service, led by the children and held in Lea Parish church.