THE 2004 National Training Awards have opened for entries and UK Skills is encouraging individuals and companies from the West Midlands to enter.

In 2003, the awards attracted over 1,000 entries from across the UK and saw an 80% increase in entries from the West Midlands.

UK Skills, which runs the awards on behalf of the Department for Education and Skills (DfES), hopes 2004 will be their most successful year so far.

The National Training Awards recognise and reward those who have developed new skills and achieved lasting excellence and success through training and work-place development.

Entering a National Training Award has many benefits, rewarding hard work as well as enhancing a company's professional reputation and helping them build competitive advantage.

The awards also help companies to evaluate the benefits of their investment in training and development, enabling them to benchmark achievements.

The deadline for entries to this year's National Training Awards is April 30 and any firm or individual can enter.

A series of free half-day NTA workshops, run by experienced training professionals, are being run across the West Midlands to help formulate entries.

To enter the National Training Awards or book a place at a workshop, call 0800 917 7337 or visit