AMNESTY International has recently launched a worldwide campaign, Stop Violence Against Women.

Women make up half the world's population, yet at least one third will be beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in their lifetime.

In war zones, rape and systematic violence against women are used increasingly as a weapon. This is discriminatory violence that infringes one of our basic human rights. And it is not just happening somewhere else. Here in Britain the emergency services receive an average of one call a minute about violence in the family.

The message is simple: violence against women is never acceptable, whether in the home or in the street, in Britain or overseas, in peace or war.

AI calls on all governments to endorse their commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by taking immediate steps to put a stop to this violence and suffering.

We hope within Herefordshire there will be widespread support for this campaign.


Secretary, Hereford, Leominster, Ludlow AIUK.