A Leominster meeting tomorrow (Friday) will focus on ways that local people and organisations can join forces to tackle rural problems.

Open to all, the 'Developing Co-operative Communities in Rural Areas' Workshop is being organised by Herefordshire Council with the Co-operative Group and The Robert Owen Society.

The regional event for Herefordshire, Shropshire and Powys, will explore how schools could become the focus for maintaining and regenerating rural communities.

It aims to bring together representatives of schools, colleges, councils, businesses, community service providers, voluntary groups, transport and co-operative organisations.

Roger Davies of the Co-operative Group said the expected outcome was for at least one school and its community to become a pilot for a rural co-operative community "to help safeguard the future of that community."He added: "People in rural communities face a multitude of problems that threaten their way of life.

"This workshop aims to discuss these issues and offer practical solutions."

The workshop is tomorrow, Friday, from 9.30 am to 2 pm at Bridge Street Sports Centre, Leominster. The event is free and includes lunch. Places can be booked via Polly Edwards on 01568 615510, or email: pedwards @rola.org.uk