LINDIS Percy has served a dozen jail sentences, been arrested hundreds of times and been served with countless banning orders - but Hereford Quakers are happy to have her as a guest.

Lindis, aged 60, is Britain's best known base invader, known from Whitehall to Washington DC as an ardent opponent of US weapons and military installations in this country.

For 20 years she has risked arrest, imprisonment and injunction in taking her fight to where those weapons and installations are, when not testing their presence in the courts.

The Cold War thaw has not led to a let up in her own brand of direct action and civil disobedience. At The Friends Meeting House, King Street, Hereford, next Tuesday, she has 'Star Wars' in her sights.

Star Wars is the name given to a missile defence system that the US military is developing against nuclear attack and British bases are a key link in its early warning capability.

Philip Thornley, of Hereford Quakers, said that Lindis would speak on the nature of the system and the threats it poses to the UK.

She is the latest guest speaker that Hereford Quakers have brought to the county by way of the Millichap Peace Fund.

The fund was established in 1998 by the family of Rae and Harley Millichap, two long-term local peace activists.

In their memory the money has paid for a number of public meetings over the past five years and covered the costs of peace education workshops.

Harley, who worked as a youth leader, and Rae, who was a teacher, both held strong convictions against conflict and injustice.

Harley was a member of the Independent Labour Party and a conscientious objector during the Second World War.

"Their zest for life was evident in their work and led them to encourage creativity in others. They saw peace as a positive state of mind and not merely an absence of war," said Mr Thornley.

Star Wars - What Can We Do About It? starts at 7.30pm next Tuesday (March 30) at The Friends Meeting House, King Street, Hereford. Entry is free.