This is a reader's letter published in the Hereford Times on November 28.

FARMERS will have to sell more land than expected as capital gains tax will have the first pull (Get behind our farmers, November 21).


But who will buy the land, especially with a constant supply coming on the market? Football clubs, the Crown Estate, big companies and investors? Not local farmers. They will “carbon offset”, not grow food. These are the very people on whom the tax should have been focused originally.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Land prices will collapse due to oversupply. Banks will call in loans, and will themselves be in dire straits. Pension funds will be in deficit. It will affect everyone. The law of unintended consequences.

The Roman Empire fell due to financial catastrophe such as this. Britain will go the same way.

