Owners of an annexe to a house in a Herefordshire village are seeking planning permission to have it treated as a separate house.

A Mr and Mrs Langman have applied (242188) for retrospective permission for “use as a dwelling” for Clouds Harrow Flat, next to Clouds Harrow in the village of Brampton Abbott north of Ross-on-Wye, within the Wye Valley national landscape.

The one-and-a-half storey building “currently provides two bedrooms in the roof space with a ground floor bedroom for the applicants’ young family”, their application says.


It is unclear from the application how long the property has been in this use.

A planning application in 2010 to separate off what it called the “garden maisonette with integral garage”, to add a new porch and create new separate road access to the property, was withdrawn.

Plans with this showed the property at the time as also having an office on the ground floor, with a bedroom and living/dining room upstairs.

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A plan to add a conservatory to the west of the property was granted permission in 2019.

But a bid in 2021 again seeking to create new road access to the property was refused on the grounds that it was “unjustified (and) would result in the loss of character of the locality”.

The latest application does not seek new road access, but proposes widening of part of the existing shared access with Clouds Harrow and planting a new boundary hedgerow.

Comments on the application can be made until October 3.