A HEREFORDSHIRE woman who was found in charge of a vehicle while over the alcohol limit has been handed a fine and penalty points on her driving licence.

On November 12 last year, Charlotte Harris-James, 24, was said by prosecutor Paul Johns to have been in a VW Polo while over the drink-drive limit. She was found not guilty of drink-driving, but admitted being in charge of the vehicle.


The incident took place in Newtown Road, Hereford.

Harris-James, of St Peters Close, Moreton-on-Lugg, was handed a fine of £215 and 10 points on her driving licence. She must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £135 and an £86 victim surcharge. She will pay her court bill in monthly installments, beginning on September 9.

She was represented in court by defence solicitor Marilena Divitantonio of law firm GC Law at the Hereford Magistrates’ Court hearing earlier this month.