THE fact that people have to pay high fees to park at Hereford County Hospital, or any hospital for that matter, is wrong.

I understand that hospital car parks need money from parking fees for maintenance, but surely this could be covered by a lower fee, as long as those using the spaces could prove it was for an appointment.

Hereford covers a large area for a small county hospital, with patients often coming from Wales and the borders.


Not only do those living in rural areas face lengthy journeys to get to the hospital, which can be costly in themselves, but also big parking costs.

Public transport is fine if you live in Hereford and can hop on a free Zipper bus, but this is not always an option for those elsewhere in the county as public transport is rarely reliable and regular. It also involves a lot of waiting around and potentially transferring between services, which can be difficult for those with health conditions or disabilities.

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Considering how many people come to hospital by car, the cost is shocking, especially if you need to be there for the whole day, for example while waiting in A&E. This would set you back £15. Concessions are available but only in certain circumstances.

How the cost of parking at the hospital can be justified I don’t know. I think it is immoral to tax the sick and their relatives in this way, especially when people are essentially paying for the NHS through taxation anyway.

