BYPASS? River crossing? No, we need more public transport.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels nauseated by the mentioning of such plans, after all, it seems you cannot be from Herefordshire without having basically done a degree in possible bypass knowledge.

Although I appreciate all the opinions, and I’m aware that something in the future will need to be done to curb the increasing traffic problem, I can’t help but feel for now we’ve got to stop moaning about the starting and stopping of various bypass plans and try to improve the traffic situation imminently.


Herefordshire has for a long time had an issue with lack of public transport. There have been some minor improvements, such as the free Zipper bus in the city, but this is only a fraction of what the city, and the county need to reduce congested traffic.

Hereford bus routes dramatically need to be altered to accommodate a wider number of residents on various routes, and Herefordshire Council needs to think of a quick incentive to get them on. I believe that with work and careful planning, more can be done to encourage people onto local buses and reduce the traffic around the city.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The upcoming addition of a transport hub to the city I’m sure is a step in the right direction, allowing easier connections to be made from train services to bus services, especially for visitors.

But I feel that more needs to be done especially for the rural routes in our county, as how can we possibly expect masses of people to stop driving in when our bus routes are almost nonexistent and the ones that do run are extremely unreliable?

