I have recently had the misfortune to have to drive through the village of Withington.

I’m sure the village itself is lovely, but as far as its roads go, it appears to be the land that time forgot.

How do the locals manage? Goodness only knows what damage the countless potholes wreak on sportier cars with low profile tyres!


One road stood out to me in particular, although the road past the village hall was bad enough. Duke Street, just past the school, is nothing short of appalling.

The road surface is in places nothing more than a patchwork of poorly-filled potholes, with gaping craters in between. There is no driving on the correct side of the road - instead one is forced to weave around the worst of the damage.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Who thought it was acceptable to leave a road in such a state? Surely, at some point, someone patching a hole in this road must have realised it was beyond saving and flagged it with the higher-ups as a road in dire need of resurfacing? Is there even a system for the pothole crews with their boots on the ground to do this?

I just feel sorry for the people who have to battle through it every day.

