IT is shocking how often I and others have been nearly squashed like flies by young, reckless cyclists who insist on bombing through Hereford on bikes that only seem to get their back wheel used.

Without any regard for who or what they may hit let alone the risk that they pose to their own safety, they somehow find entertainment in this behaviour.

Do they apologise when they narrowly avoid slamming into you at full speed? Almost never. Will this change if stricter measures are not taken? I don’t believe so.


I have witnessed groups of cyclists hurtling down Commercial Road doing wheelies, endangering all other road users and pedestrians who must deal with this threat as they go about their day. Instances when buses only just miss knocking them down can be distressing to see.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Through an area that so many children walk each day to school, the carelessness of these actions must not be overlooked.

In my opinion, no amount of poorly patched together bike lanes will solve this problem as it is an issue of immature cyclists not understanding that there are boundaries which absolutely cannot be crossed.

