THANK you HT for publishing my letter about the abuse I receive on my mobility scooter (Letters, July 18).

The online comments show there is a lot of prejudice and bigotry around. For instance, one asked why I use the road when there is a perfectly good pavement.

Well, let me once again explain why it’s not best to use pavements when the road is available.


Pavements are inevitably narrow and, in the case of many, uneven and so dangerous if you meet walkers coming toward you. It usually means awkward manoeuvres by both rider and walkers, especially mothers with prams. The mobility scooter rider has to find a dropped kerb nearby and, inevitably, when you want one there isn’t one to get off the pavement and, of course, get back on again.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

And, a fact which is important to me, my scooter is only allowed a maximum speed of four miles per hour on pavements, while a maximum speed of eight miles per hour is allowed on roads.

My supermarket trips take me 40 minutes (there and back) on road, double that (and much less safe) on pavements.

