HEREFORD will see a temporary road closure as floats racing down the river Wye this weekend.

The Wye float event will take place on Saturday, August 13, where many inflatables will take their place on the water.

To help with the event run smoothly and safely there is a temporary road closure, said Herefordshire Council’s highways team Balfour Beatty.


Hereford Times: Outfall Works Road will temporary close on the day of Wye float Picture: Hereford HighwaysOutfall Works Road will temporary close on the day of Wye float Picture: Hereford Highways

This will be in place in Outfall Works Road, off Eign Road, near Bartonsham, for the day of the event from 8am to 5pm.

All the inflatables will be craft, raft, boat, or for the pool.

There will also be live music, camping, bouncy castles, face painting, games and stalls, street food, and a bar at the event from 10am to 11pm.

Inflatable float participants must arrive before 11am but all other ticket holders can come and go.