DEVELOPERS are asking to begin the final phase of a major development in Ledbury.

Barratt Homes wants to build 49 new homes near Leadon Way in the town, and has asked Herefordshire Council for permission to begin Phase Two.

If approved, the final phase of more than 300 homes in the town could begin.

The new application seeks approval of a number of planning conditions.

These mainly relate to surface water drainage, a new play area and other groundworks, tree planting and ensuring waste water and mud would not make it onto the main road nearby.

Planning documents from Barratt say: "No planning condition has been imposed on restricting working hours.

"It is proposed that where possible, and in line with good practice, construction works which would generate noise audible beyond the site boundary will not take place before 7.30am or after 6pm Monday to Friday or before 7.30am and after 1pm on a Saturday or at any time on a Sunday or public holiday."

Hereford Times: HOMES: How the new homes in Ledbury could lookHOMES: How the new homes in Ledbury could look

The plans are effectively the second phase of an existing homes plan first approved back in 2016.

If built, the homes would be the last of a 324 home development in the town.

The homes would be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom houses, with 29 marked for the open market with 20 being affordable housing.

The plans surfaced last year, courting controversy from both Ledbury Town Council and St Katherine's Surgery, both concerned over traffic and the increased demand the homes would place on services in the town.

The surgery's response to the plans said: "We believe it is absolutely essential for any plan for the future of Ledbury includes the provision of a suitable facility to support the healthcare provision for its residents, and, until that assurance is given we will be unable to support this, or any other local planning applications."

If this new application is approved, then work can begin on the final 49 homes.

The plans can be viewed in full at