BRITAIN'S 'most dangerous' plant has been reported at several locations in Herefordshire as a warning is issued to parents.

The warning came after a four-year-old child in Greater Manchester was left with second degree burns after touching the toxic giant hogweed plant.

Read more: Warning to parents as UK's most dangerous plant leaves child with horrific burns

Often found growing on riverbanks, where the flowing water easily spreads its seeds downstream, giant hogweed became notorious during the 1970s, with reports of children suffering skin damage and heavy blistering after using the stems to make pea shooters and telescopes.

People are being urged to report the species when they spot it, with Whatshed creating an interactive map to show the locations of giant hogweed reported in the UK to help continue to collection of date for the Biological Records Centre's iRecord system.

Here is where the weed can be found in Herefordshire (information from

Chemicals in the sap make the skin sensitive to sunlight, and can lead to blistering, pigmentation loss, and permanent scarring, and it should not be touched with naked skin.

Growing several metres tall, and with flower heads as large as 60 centimetres across, the invasive non-native has thick, bristly stems, jagged lobed leaves, and umbel shaped blooms.

It is an offence to cause the weed to grow in the wild, but there is no statutory obligation for landowners to eliminate it from their land.

Local authorities have powers to require it to be removed under certain circumstances.

To report a sighting, visit the WhatShed website by clicking here.

To report a sighting to Herefordshire Council, click here.