HEREFORD cinema was packed last week as the new James Bond film premiered.

Hereford Odeon premiered the new James Bond film No Time to Die last Thursday.

The film was due to be released in April 2020 however this was postponed three times due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

During the pandemic, cinemas across the UK took a hit.

The UK Cinema Association previously said the decision to postpone No Time To Die again, "while clearly disappointing, is at the same time not surprising given the current situation around Covid-19 in the UK as well as the US and other major film territories".

Screenings were nearly fully booked, and the cinema hadn't been so busy in a while, said staff.

This was my first experience at the cinema again since restrictions were released.

It was a fantastic cinematic experience, especially after such a long wait. 

Although this genre of film would not be my usual choice, it did not fail to impress with its iconic James Bond phrases, action scenes and high quality actors.

You can book tickets here: No Time to Die

Have you seen it?

If so, let us know what you thought of the film in the comments below.