I WOULD like to agree with Mr Scott.


It appears that landowners and farmers in Herefordshire are aiming to keep walkers, cyclists and horse riders away from public rights of way leaving the public having to either wade through impassable paths/bridleways or take their chances along the edges of roads - a state of affairs drivers do not take account of with accompanying risks involved.

Stiles are overgrown, poorly maintained and difficult to access.

With a large, older dog there are very few dog gates. Fields contain crops across the footpath and narrow headlands, which could otherwise be an alternative option for walkers.

Bridleways are equally impossible on horse back.

Badly hung gates, poorly maintained surfaces and vegetation.

Having moved here from North Devon and lived in Devon, Berkshire, Yorkshire and holidayed throughout the UK, Herefordshire is notably poor and this even includes its national trails and recreational paths.

Karen Ricketts


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