I CONGRATULATE the democratically elected Coalition controlled Council for cooperatively producing an intelligent Transport Strategy, taking into account the needs of the whole population, not only car and lorry drivers.

It recognises the need for more sustainable transport in response to the climate emergency benefitting health by encouraging active transport, improving air quality and promoting exercise

A western bypass would not significantly reduce town traffic as overwhelmingly the vast majority, some 90%, of internal traffic consists of short journeys within the city, or has a departure or destination point within the city.

It would do nothing to reduce school traffic, which increases traffic on all roads by between a quarter and a third in term time. It would result in 3% more induced traffic, take 10 years to build, and be very expensive as well as environmentally destructive.

Traffic on the main roads into town would not be reduced, beyond a possible redistribution from one ‘spoke’ road to another, unlikely to make a significant reduction to transport on the A49.

Not the cure all that some people imagine.

There are indeed concerns about the decline of all city centres , mainly reflecting trends towards shopping on line.

The challenge is to revive Hereford by making it an attractive place to be, with an integrated a system of accessibility for all by public transport, improved bus service, cycling, walking, mobility vehicles, including the proposed transport hub.

This ambition is something to be encouraged and anticipated with the hope of a brighter future for our community in such troubled times.

Carol Protherough

Chair, Hereford Transport Alliance

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