HEREFORDSHIRE'S young farmers have got creative to bring some cheer through the coronavirus lockdown.

Clubs from around the county have been asked to get involved in making a video where members throw toilet roll to each other.

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The young farmers have shown off their skills playing catch with the toilet rolls - including playing with tennis rackets and hockey sticks - all while maintaining social distancing.

"Following the recent shortage of loo roll we’ve decided to share it around the county," a message from the Herefordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs said.

"The officer team has started the challenge, so it is over to clubs to continue."


Pencombe YFC has got involved in the craze, with the video showing members passing the toilet roll around.

Other intiatives to keep spirits up include a weekly "coronacomp", an online challenge to keep spirits up.

Meg Hadley, from the club, said: "As a county, the officers did it and challenged all the clubs in the county to do it for fun and to bring the club together.

"We hosted the first coronacomps last week and will be doing something weekly.

"There will be plenty of cheer from us all."