THE licensing of Revd Petra Beresord Webb recently to the East Radnor Ministry Team was a celebration of unity with Archbishop John insisting upon working as a team with Petra and the congregation.

The psalm (133) declared "Behold how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity."

The Archbishop amused those in attendance by recalling a tiny congregation of 'grumpies' unable and unwilling to rejoice or change, unlike the people of St Edward's who had removed pews to create a welcoming and useful space. He wished that all churches had such vision.

The Air Training Corps, which Petra had been chaplain to, dramatically led the whole procession in and out.

Clergy from as far a field as the Gower attended along with Baptists, Methodists, and Catholics, all welcoming Petra and inviting collaborative ministry.

Churchwardens from both East Radnor and Beacon Hill gave Petra the key to the church and led her to the bell to toll.

Members of several congregations brought up symbols of ministry: the Bible and Prayer Book, bread and wine, water and healing oil.

Attendees were all charmed not only by Petra's extensive string of names but also by the ancient oaths which Archbishop John distilled to a promise to be "good".

The organist George Baker led the hymns Christ be Our Light and the Servant King.

After prayers and a final blessing the congregation adjourned to the hall for tea with friends old and new.