CARLY Bauert accompanied by her son Ollie gave a thought provoking and uplifting talk to Ledbury Rotarians on her campaign to allow her disabled son permission to have a prosthetic blade leg.

Carly’s son, Oliver now 11 years old, was born with a rare birth disorder called Proximal Fenoral Focal Deficiency, meaning he has half a leg and grew up using a standard prosthetic limb.

It was while watching the Paralympics, he saw for the first time those running with blades and that year on his visit to see Father Christmas, he asked if he could have a blade.

Carly heard this and realised there are many disabled children who want to participate in sports and other activities and was tireless in her efforts to raise awareness and funding, eventually being invited to the House of Commons to make the case for NHS assistance for children with disabilities.

Her persistence and perseverance paid off and in 2013, Oliver was one of the first children in the UK to be given a blade by the NHS.

Listening to Ollie recount his experiences and aspirations with such confidence was inspirational, and his wish now is to visit Florida and swim with Winter, a bottlenose dolphin widely known for having the first ever prosthetic tail, at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in the USA.

Winter is the subject of a book and film entitled Dolphin Tale!

Rotary president Jan Long said that it had been a stimulating and impressive talk and with Carly who works for the organisation called Limbpower, gives hope to many young people with disabilities and encourages children to follow their dreams.