A HEREFORD secondary school has been given a glowing report by Ofsted inspectors who rate it Outstanding - at pretty much everything it does.

St Mary’s RC High School at Lugwardine gets the top rating in all four categories that inspectors reviewed.

It is rated outstanding for leadership; quality of teaching; behaviour and welfare of pupils; and outcomes for pupils.

The school has 747 children and was rated Good at its last full inspection in 2013, but at a short monitoring visit in January 2018 inspectors thought the school was on its way to Outstanding.

So it proved this January when a full inspection heaped praise.

Inspectors say pupils throughout the school make strong progress in all subjects, with attainment at the end of key stage 4 above the national average.

Children from all ability groups, disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities make strong progress from their starting points.

Teaching is very effective, the curriculum is well planned and ambitious, and many pupils take advantage of a range of extra-curricular activities, trips and visits.

The school leaders have high expectations of teachers and regularly visit lessons to check how pupils are progressing.

"The headteacher and senior leaders are a visible presence around school and their work is highly regarded by pupils, parents and colleagues.

"Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and many express gratitude that their children attend St Mary's.

"Pupils' personal development is outstanding. Behaviour in lessons and around the school site is exemplary. Pupils support one another as a matter of course. They enjoy school."

The school is praised for its caring culture.

Inspectors did say work was needed on strategies to support disadvantaged children; careers' advice and keeping parents informed of assessment results.

Headteacher Stuart Wetson described the report as a 'special achievement' for everyone connected to the school.

"The togetherness of the staff and pupils, coupled with the support of our parents makes this a wonderful school to lead and I feel very privileged to do so."