THE Rotary Club of Leominster is pleased to announce another donation to a local good cause, from funds raised through the generosity of the local community.

President Ian Pedrick presented a cheque for £200 to Megan Baker House.

Megan Baker House (MBH) provides conductive education sessions for children and adults with motor disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Dyspraxia, Parkinson's disease, stroke and Acquired brain injury.

Through conductive education participants learn how to manage and deal with the difficulties caused by their condition to enable them to lead a more independent life.

If you wish to find out more about how you can help Rotary and the community, please contact our membership officer, Geoffrey Crofts on 01568 615706 or email

The club meets of the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Leominster Golf Club (6pm for 6.30pm) and potential members are always welcome.