A STEADY stream of 'suffragettes' made their way to the Leominster Lasses WI June meeting, resplendent in hats and sashes in green, white and violet.

Following a stirring rendition of Jerusalem, special guest Lady Annette, aka Ginn Downes, gave a fascinating insight into the everyday life of a WI member from the end of First World War era.

In addition to sharing household management hints and fashion tips, she also brought an array of dresses and fashion accessories of the period.

Millinery skills were then put to the test as members designed and made their own stunning creations from a variety of materials.

Members also learnt just what a variety of items beginning with L can be fitted into a jam jar! Congratulations went to Alison on a truly amazing collection.

On July 19 members shall be meeting at member Maggie's for the annual garden party for a bring and share supper. Another chance to give those hats an outing.

Members have a full and varied programme of monthly meetings at Green Lane Methodist Church Hall and are always delighted to welcome new members.

They meet at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of each month, except August.

For further details please ring Helen on 01568 614463.