Hereford Times - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 28/11/2024

British Telecom (Retired)

Passed away peacefully at home on 14th November 2024 aged 88 years.

Henry was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

The Funeral Service will take place at Barton Christian Fellowship, Barton Road, Hereford on Monday 2nd December at 3.15.

If desired donations in memory of Henry to St. Michael’s Hospice.

All enquiries to Dawe Brothers 01432 274066


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Trevor Escott December 1st, 2024
I live in Canada now, but catch up with the Hereford Times on-line. I was a YIT (Youth in Training) in what was then known as the GPO. I did some of my training under Henry's tutelage at the old telephone exchange fronting Broad Street. A kind, gentle man. Sorry for your loss.
Trevor Escott