HAS any assessment been made of the additional costs to the overstretched NHS that will be incurred if the Hartlebury incinerator is built?

In the USA, they’ve estimated the nett savings due to reducing exposure to industrial PM2.5 emissions. The Washington Post (September 27, 2003) had a major article by Eric Pianin after the White House office of management and budget had carried out a cost benefit analysis of reducing such emissions and concluded nett savings of up to $193 billion over the period 1992-2002 due to fewer hospital visits and less days off work.

Read “Study finds net gain from pollution rules: OMB overturns past findings on benefits” at mindfully.org/Reform/2003/ Gain- Pollution-Rules-OMB27sep03.

MICHAEL RYAN, Gains Avenue, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury.