Further to Mr Norman’s EU debate at Peterchuch (Hereford Times, May 12), I am most grateful to Mr Norman as chairman because I stood for over an hour patiently waiting for him to allow me to respond to at least one of the ludicrous comments made by his European Union bureaucrat guest. From where I was standing, Mr Norman took comments from Labour and the Green parties but not one from a representative of the second largest party the good folk of Hereford and South Herefordshire voted for last year, of which there were many in the audience. Therefore, I was left in no doubt, and can say with full confidence, I have solved the riddle many thousands of voters across Herefordshire have been asking themselves, ‘why is he once again sitting on the fence?’ Mr Norman will be voting to remain in the European Union.

Nigel Ely

UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

For Hereford & South Herefordshire