To all the MPs advocating 'Remain', I would like to put the following.

The electorate has vested in them the power to govern the country and pass legislation accordingly, not the right to contract out that power to unelected foreign bureaucrats.

With 60% of legislation imposed on us by the EU, our Parliament has become nothing more than a talking shop. With the intention being to vest even more power in the EU, what will be the purpose of Westminster? Will it simply be the administrative centre for the British canton of the EU?

With the complete absence of democracy, there will be no reason for us to vote in national elections should the UK remain in the EU.

I am a passionate believer in democracy (with all its imperfections) so it would be with a very heavy heart that I would no longer partake.

Our MPs need to take heed as they are set to become less and less relevant as the EU becomes the real ruling body. The Chancellor of the Exchequer will find that more and more taxes will be imposed by the unelected Commission. As the EU expands their military ambitions, the Secretary for State Defence will find that no deployments or decisions can be made without permission of the EU. Yes, even the SAS! The UK could become involved in a war not of its choosing.

The Justice Secretary is already impotent, with the ECJ having supremacy over our High Court. The Home Secretary is completely powerless to have any control over immigration and very limited ability to expel foreign criminals or any one else not legally in the country.

The EU now influences almost every aspect of our lives with legislation from the unelected commissioners that we can never vote out.

David Joyce
