Recent articles in the Hereford Times about the renewal of the Hereford to Birmingham rail franchise demonstrates the problem facing us, the passengers.

However much we moan, complain or campaign, rail companies operate in the interests of their shareholders rather than us, their passengers.

If there was a genuinely competitive rail system, it could still potentially work in passenger favour, as train companies would need to be better than competitors. But there is no such competition, so even with well-meaning rail bosses, there is little incentive to spent money on improvements when we have to use the service however bad it is. An overcrowded train makes more money than one with seats to spare.

So we put up with poor service despite increased demand, our roads continue to be congested, and the urgent need to tackle air pollution and climate change is kicked further down the line.

We need a publicly owned network as efficient as the German and French ones. Ironically, they own most of ours anyway!

Rob Hattersley

Hereford Green Party

Park Street