THE council has published proposals to cut various public services across Herefordshire and it is vital that people and organisations complete a consultative questionnaire either online or in paper format, to ensure that their views are considered.

The council has to consider responses to the proposals before they can move forward.

One proposal is to cut library services across Herefordshire. This will have a big impact on a wide range of people, but particularly those who use Belmont library.

Recently, four children who had been reading in Belmont library approached one of the staff to say they loved the library and didn’t want it to close. They handed over their pocket money and said it should be used to help keep the library open.

Belmont library isn’t just a place to borrow books, it is a place for people to socialise, to use the free internet, to purchase green bags and to ask questions about council services.

The trustees and volunteers of the South Wye Community Association, which owns Belmont Community Centre where the library is housed, with the help of other organisations, are committed to ensuring that this invaluable service remains open.

It is vital that readers complete the questionnaire and provide feedback so that the council can hear your voice.

Finally, a big thank you to four children, Catlin, Finlay, Mia and Shoal for donating their pocket money to the Belmont Centre/Library. It is nice to know that some people understand the importance of keeping libraries open.

TRACY BOWES Belmont Rural ward councillor and South Wye Community Association trustee