I AM writing in response to Brenda Kidd’s letter (Facilities for the disabled are essential, June 18). There is a Changing Places toilet in the Old Market in Hereford.

It is on the first floor of the car park alongside the other toilets. Go down the passage between Waitrose and neighbouring shop to find it. There are two lifts and a staircase.

Herefordshire Mencap lobbied the Old Market developers who paid entirely for the facility and it is absolutely fabulous. There is an adjustable full-size changing table, overhead tracking with a hoist, wash basin, toilet with a screen for the disabled person’s support worker or family carer to go to the loo in privacy, and the usual bins for used pads and other waste. The toilet is open 24 hours a day and is screened by the on-site security team.

Herefordshire has two such facilities in the Hereford and Leominster swimming pools. Disabled people do not need to be using the pools to use them, however they are open only when the pool is open to the public.

Aspire’s Hub on Canal Road in Hereford also has Changing Places facilities for members; the subscription is £25 a year.

The Hub is open Monday to Friday during working hours.

There are now 700 Changing Places toilets available throughout the UK. For full details go to www.changingplaces.org

ROSE HUNT Development worker, Herefordshire Mencap