I AM delighted that the Hereford university project has made such excellent progress. I offer congratulations to everyone involved for their determination and focus, and wish them nothing but success in bringing it to fruition.

But the name NMITE is a disaster and everyone with whom I've discussed this is in agreement.

Firstly, it is not obviously pronounceable. Is it Enmity or En-might? No one knows unless they're told.

Secondly, even the full name means nothing unless it's explained.

Thirdly, it has no geographical context, thus minimising the PR benefits it should bring to the city and county.

There is believed to be at least one precedent for a new university accidentally starting off with an acronym so obscene that I cannot even explain it in print.

This one is just ill-considered. And it will damage the whole enterprise unless it is changed. NMITE could also stand for Names Matter in The Extreme. For heaven's sake please have another think before it becomes known as the University of Marmite.