THIS year it has been decided to change the procedure for the Hereford remembrance parade.

Traditionally, following the service at the St Peter’s Square cenotaph, the parade has marched along St Owen Street, taken a U-turn back towards the city centre, saluting the Lord Lieutenant at the town hall and then giving a proper eyes-right salute to the cenotaph and finally marching into High Town for halt and dismissal.

This has allowed the public to join in by lining the streets and seeing past and present soldiers and youth groups march by.

Unfortunately, this year, the authorities intend to confine the parade to St Owen Street alone. It will assemble in St Owen Street and march to the cenotaph. After the service and wreath-laying, the parade will march back up St Owen Street, giving an eyes-right salute to the Lord Lieutenant on the town hall steps immediately followed by halt and dismissal.

The Hereford branch of the Royal British Legion and Hereford Ex-Services Association have objected to the change and would prefer to retain the traditional parade route and its associated salute to fallen comrades for the following reasons: 1. This procedure will not enable a proper and respectful passing eyes-right salute to the cenotaph in remembrance of fallen comrades.

2. It removes the wider opportunity for the public to applaud the legion, forces reserves, cadets and other volunteer units.

We would ask the public and ex-services personnel to support us in our efforts to retain the traditional remembrance procedure. To help achieve this, any comments you make via the press will be welcome, or email who will compile a record of supporters.

JAMES HARDING Former Sergeant, British Army, and former Hereford Mayor (1963/64) Putson, Hereford