HAVING just read that another £5,000 pounds is being given to Hereford skate park, I would like to say what about Hereford's BMX track?

This track on the Westfaling Street playing fields is a regional standard track (built by Clark and Kent Contractors who built the 2012 Olympic track and team USA track) and seems to get overlooked. OK, the council cut the grass and that's it!

The track is in need of resurfacing and updating. It has a great family vibe, and on any given weekend, school holiday or summer evening it's a great safe place to go. The young guys and girls who use the track have a great respect for it and all they want is a little more input from their local council.

The track is on the BMX racing radar and is frequently visited by other BMXers from all over the country.

Local Councillor Sharon Michael held a small gathering at the track late last summer asking people for their input on what they would like from her as the track is in her ward. Months later and nothing! Typical council guff!

So come on Herefordshire Council, help our track.


Minster Court, Belmont