I WOULD like to comment on the letter from C N Burkett expressing dismay at the delay of the badger cull (Readers’ Times, November 22).

Farmers and landowners do not own the wildlife, it is not theirs to dispose of as they see fit.

A seven-year government-funded study showed no evidence to support the theory that badgers infect cattle with bovine TB.

Farmers who receive subsidies from the European Union are expected to comply with the EU farming policy rules and regulations. I have been led to believe that badgers are protected under European law and it is illegal to kill them.

As the UK is a member of the EU, it could well be that British badgers are now also protected under EU law.

Politicians might also ponder on their future political careers should the great British taxpayers, whose names are so often taken in vain, decide to show their disapproval of the badger cull by voting en mass for alternative, more ‘wildlife friendly’ candidates at the next general election.

ANGELA GREENWOOD, Orchard Close, Kington.