DONATIONS and extra volunteers will be more than welcome at Ledbury's Heritage Centre, in Church Lane.

The venue opened its its doors again on Good Friday, having attracted almost 25,000 visitors last year.

That figure is around 3000 up on the 2014 total.

This year, however, the attraction has no council funding.

Centre spokesman, Sally Holliday said: "We open from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm each day and although entrance is free you may wish to make a small donation as we no longer have any funding from Herefordshire Council.

"This magnificent building has seen so much life throughout these years much of which can be learnt about by making a visit to see the building itself, how it was built and some of the many displays showing the heritage of Ledbury and its historic past. Do come along and see this amazing historic building, enjoy the exhibits and displays and chat with our volunteers."

She added: "Volunteers are an important part of the experience and we are still looking for a few more people to help out."

Further details on, 01531 633637.