A LONG-TERM plan for improving canals and rivers in Worcestershire was launched last week

The vision, which has been announced by the Canal and River Trust’s South Wales and Severn’s Waterway Partnership, is for waterways to help increase jobs, boost tourism and promote healthy lifestyles in the region.

Plans for the future include empowering local communities to maintain their local canal or river through youth projects or adoption schemes and upgrading towpath routes to promote canals as a free, outdoor gym.

Working with councils, businesses and boaters to maximise the contribution that canals and rivers can make to local economies and employment is also a priority.

Jack Hegarty, chair of the partnership, which is a voluntary group made up of leading figures, said: “Local canals and rivers continue to be hugely popular and vitally important for leisure, tourism, education and more than anything else, just lovely places to spend some time.

“There are still so many opportunities to develop them further, particularly by working with local people and organisations and giving them real ownership over the water.

“Our strategy is the starting point for how we want to do this in the future. We are delighted to have launched it and the enthusiasm with which it has been received.”

The partnership’s 10-year strategy and three-year action plan can be viewed at canalrivertrust.org.uk