A ROSS-on-Wye Lions Club member has led a campaign to collect unused spectacles.

Volunteer members from the Lions Clubs in the area responded to their district governor, Keith Wilding’s request to donate unused glasses.

In one day alone, at their annual convention, 7,500 pairs were collected.

The gift of sight is a large part of the work of Lions clubs within its communities.

Mr Wilding and his wife, Sue, drove to France to deliver the spectacles directly to the Lions Clubs of Normandy, their twin district.

They have developed a facility for the spectacles to be sorted, graded, and the reusable pairs distributed to clinics and eye camps in communities across Africa, India, the Far East and Eastern Europe in partnership with Medico France.

It means people who cannot see clearly will have their vision improved, their independence returned and the ability to lead a productive life ahead of them.

Mr Wilding said: "I had a vision – to improve the sight of those who cannot see clearly today.

"To date we have now collected over 50,000 pairs of spectacles and with this simple activity of collecting what would otherwise be thrown away, the Lion members have done something amazing for others and made a real difference."