KNIGHTON show and carnival held a bonfire and fireworks event at Llanshay Farm, Knighton by kind permission of the Price family. The event organised by Mat O'Rourke and his team raised over £2,500 for the show and carnival and attracted a large number of people from the town and the surrounding area. As part of the event there was a Guy Fawkes making competition this was won by the Llanfair fun day committee, 2nd was Knighton Scout group and 3rd Mary Gerrard. Because it was also held on Halloween there were lots of people at the event ion Halloween costume and there was a pumpkin carving competition won by Adam Williams, 2nd Tegan Davies, 3rd Hannah Bates. Mat O'Rourke, thanked everyone for their support especially all the local businesses who sponsored the event and his helpers in getting the bonfire ready, lit it on the night and let off the fireworks.