GARDEN VISIT - For their meeting this month, members of Gorsley Garden Club will be travelling to Much Fawley on July 17 to visit the home called Seabournes. Members will meet at the village hall at 7pm and anyone wishing to join the party should ensure they arrive on time.

ARRIVALS - Gorsley Chapel is ready for the visit of another American Minister, who is staying in Cambridge before arriving in Gorsley with his family. He will be the second American at the chapel. Mike Moore and his family are here and they are preaching at the chapel until the Rev. John Lewis returns from the USA in the middle of August.

COFFEE MORNING - Christ Church's monthly coffee morning will be held on July 19 at the home of Audrey Duke at 10.30am. On Saturday, there will be a barbecue and skittles evening at the village hall and it is expected to last for about three hours. On July 18, the local WI members will be having a skittle evening at the Royal Oak, Much Marcle, beginning at 7.30pm.