ST GEORGE’S DAY IN TARRINGTON - On April 23, the bell ringers of Tarrington Church rang a quarter peal. This was for two reasons, the first being that it was St George’s Day and secondly it was the late Tom Bradstock’s birthday. Tom and his wife, Stella, were well-known farmers and Hereford cattle breeders but were also known for their kindness and philanthropic attitude to the village. Mr Bradstock was church warden for many years.

MILLPOND SHOP - A small shop has been opened at The Millpond caravan and camping site at Little Tarrington. The shop will sell a limited amount of local produce, groceries and newspapers. It is open between 8.30am and 11am, and 1pm and 5.30pm. For details, call Bill or Lyn Sayer on 01432 890234.

TARRINGTON ICT COURSE - The desk-top publishing course at the Lady Emily Community Hall in Tarrington will now start on the earlier date of May 13, and will last for ten weeks. For more information, call Liz Tallis on 01432 890720.

HEARTSTART - The British Heart Foundation is running a free training session at Tarrington Community Hall to teach people how to deal with a suspected heart attack. The training course will take place on Saturday, May 17, from 10am to noon. To reserve your place, call Liz Tallis on 01432 890720.

TARRINGTON WALK - There will be a walk within the parish boundary on Sunday, organised by John Hodges, the footpaths officer. Three different walks of varying distances have been designated for different fitness levels. These will be one mile, three-and-a-half miles and five miles. The walks all start from the Lady Emily Community Hall at 11am, everybody is welcome. For details, call John Hodges on 01432 890606.