HAY-on-Wye musician Clyde Kramer is currently coordinating a tour in Cameroon to take Orchéstre Baka Gbiné, talented pygmies from the Cameroon rain forest, on a musical journey around their country.

Launching in February, the Forest Voices Tour will be a celebration of Baka peoples’ music and life within the rainforest and create an opportunity for different Baka communities to come together to share their love of music. It will also be a platform to discuss the problems they face due to their land being taken for mining, logging, agriculture and conservation.

Clyde has worked with the Baka people many times in the past, and plays in the afro-celtic band Baka Beyond, which is inspired by their music.

At present the Baka have virtually no representation at local or national level. Global Music Exchange will use the Forest Voices Tour as a unique opportunity to document Baka views and start a process where the Baka themselves have a voice in the future of their forest existence.

Aided by Global Music Exchange and afro-celtic band Baka Beyond, Orchéstre Baka Gbiné have already released two international selling albums. Released in 2006, Gati Bongo still remains in the iTunes world music charts.

An IndieGoGo campaign (igg.me/at/baka) has been set up in order to raise the funds needed to make this tour possible.

Listen to Orchéstre Baka Gbiné at baka.gbine.com